Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday,september 28,2009

Todae sibei fun lor.after that retarded e-learning,i go zaccheus house and play soccer.After that gregory got blisters do painful.Anyway,i so happy coz liverpool won 6-1.woots~!lol.gotta go and work out keyboard still fucking gay.E-learning sucks!Miss all the classmates(except a few)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


todae mrs yip make us stay back and clean up the classroom again...very sienz and kept us waiting for lyk 20 mins.freaking homo sia.My classical guitar one string broken liao NOOO.Celine nvr come todae june ask e to xcall her coz i her kor kor =.=.tosdaew i alsdo gavew rina hwer birthsday present(sort of)then i saw one guy talking to her which i think is zan(rina's boyfriend i think)lol so sienz....Feeling so emo le!!!!fucking sis crying i feel lyk punching her till she die,act cry also dunno how to act stupid pimp.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Now making proper blog le.Todae damn sienz tuition 2 hours make my brain fry lyk shrimps..Now listening to japenese songs and playing maple.Nice combo.Cant wait for tomorrow,hafta show amos another version of smoke one the water.Classical guitar i lent him dunno wat condition le,maybe he go smash his sis wif it.Ah well back to playing maple.Havent done a single page of homework later muz chiong and do.BOOMZ lol