Saturday, March 27, 2010


Todae went to BB training with William,Anus,Qiao ling,Shi hwee,Shirley,Cheng yi and Xin yi.
A lot of people huh?very fun sia todae,got to play against this strong NS dude.
Cheng yi cut his hand and went home early =.=.
Then go to Lot 1 walk walk with William,Shirley and Xin yi.
Yeah....thats what i did todae lorhhhhhhh.
Lip hole closing........
Tommorrow maybe going to war at fort canning!
AND tomorrow got soccer!!!!
Feel like jamming tmr but then dunno if my band-mates can =(
Ah time to go liao have to watch bulky men fight on WWE!

Saturday,March 27,2010
Waiting and Waiting....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Went to the DNA course and got a certificate YAY!
Then went to Causeway Point Xcraft to get lip piercing.
The piercer was this 19yr old girl =O i had expected it to be a man...
First she washed the piercing pin and the stud in this sterilising liquid thingy.
Then she put some kinda liquid to soften the pain.
And finally she poke through!
Kinda pain a bit la but then not that bad,althought u kinda scared.
Then me and Zac and his bro went to Vivocity to buy this ab wheel from AIBI.
Its basically one rod with two wheels in the middle,u have to roll it from a girl's pushup position.
Dint think it would cost me $35 but wth i bought it anyway.
Sat on the top of Vivocity for like an hour and there were people having s*x all over the place =.=.
OMG man someone could have made a porn film there.
The lip piercing is starting to piss me off....
I cant even eat properly and its a killer to put the stud in!
Gonna buy a longer one later haiz.zzz.zzz.z

Tuesday,March 16 ,2010
Nid to intense study liao or else mid-year fail =(

Monday, March 15, 2010


Finally after 2months in limbo im writing on my blog.
Damn irritating to have the com dc-ing on me.
Ok forget the gay probelms i was having.
Todae went to Zac's house in the afternoon chill out.
Then went to tuition at Woodlands and almost died of brain fever =O.
Took bus home and...oh yeah let me tell u something i encountered on the bus.
2 boys with skateboards were spitting out at the cars that went by the bus!
Freaking annoying and i dunno why the malay boys want to behave like ChinaMan.
After each shot they will laugh like LOOnatics and bang the seats.
Bloody mad gays i must say,this must be what their whole life is about.
Besides watching black porn,skateboarding,wearing those hats and playing guitar at the void deck.
Haizzz anyway going to the DNA shit tmr.i dint wanna go but seeing that cheng yi had such a hard time
asking people to go,i volunteered.=(
After the DNA crap im going for lip piercing!My mum surprised me by allowing me to pierce!
But it costs $35.......guess i have to pay a lot for my body art =(.
Oh yeah and sorry qiaoling i dnt go to bb training....
i thought amos had told u all that the training will be cancelled.

Verrrry Lonellly in my home doing nothing