Sunday, November 29, 2009


YoOO!!!~~~~so long nvr post coz i very tired and lazy.Also not much to post also.
Yesturday went to another war at science center.Play play then someone 'shot' a
stupid american's baby.Never shoot at her but near the pram only the father come.
We said sorry but he keep saying 'please' like wtf is he talking about.We all label
him as a redneck and leave him be lol.For the whole day we mimic him saying
WHO SHOT MY BABY???!!~~~lols.After war finish we stay at the science center for a while.
Then fish go take out his $160 yoyo and play...i nvr brring mine he lent me his.
then got one guy professional come talk to us then go show his tricks and stuff.
Thats all for yesturday lol =( the next few days gonna be so boring


Monday,NOVEMBER 30

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teh guy dodging is me doing MJ style.Really effective

Bored like siao

haizzzz...Everyday spent at home rotting my ass out.
Later going to army beach road buy gloves with derrick.
Sunday went to the war got one guy take pic of me
dodging bullets.....Special tribute to MJ army style lols.
Then got the acs demo they took vid never take of me
shooting zinv down =(.I lent celine bloody potter and hallows,she lend me
Forget(which is a love book thingy).Read about 3/4 now and
i have to say pretty touching and i cant imagine
how fucked up both parents are...

Wish u were here.
Wednesday,november 18

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Todae was a blast!i met with chen dao and we took the mrt
like so friggin long to bishan then change to serangoon then to sengkang then
to a place called Farmway LRT.We met the rest of the peeps who were
gonna play wif us war.I waited untill 2.30 for the master modder hanzo.
He call his discipline and mod my air restrictor and the finished gun
was oh-my-god awesome.Shoot so far and better accurancy.Then we have war.
We played capture the flag.We go put a flag on top of a hill then we split into two teams.
Both teams have to take the flag and run to their base(where they started).Lols!damn fun.
Then a different version was played and i shot two guys(one headshot) and i was the only man
standing.I took the flag and shouted:WOOT!!!Only man surviving!!!!Then go home with
Roland and reached at 9.30pm...Parents scold i ask them diam and i go shower.Tmr
still go swimming with Amos and edmund at 7.30am =.=.

Sunday,November 15

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I bought a Recon CS-6 from NERF and zac and i tested it out by shooting each
other's asses.Its not that powerful with a range of only 30 feet
but im gonna get it modified by NerfSG's Hanzo whom i met
at the forum.He charged me only $20 and im going to have it done by Saturday
coz i nid to go Anglo-Chinese School do a demo with the rest
of the forum members.The weird thing is the students from ACS asked
us to go there and do a demo!?!?!?I spray-painted the gun total black
and it looks heavy duty now.Selling my guitar to buy a set
of special darts and still nidda pay for the modification
and i also want next year's LongShot.Guess i gotta save up first,
but at least i can look forward to a game later in the afternoon.

Wednesday,November 11

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cant be moved......

Todae found me at home the whole day at the com.I dint go out
coz i was too lazy to drag my legs to go out the door.
So chat the whole day and helping that edmund with his maplestory woes =.=.For the whole day listened to The man who cant be moved and break even,both by The Script.
Downloading gunz now as a replacement for private server maplestory....
Going to macdonald later....3rd time this month going after 11pm.

Wondering why love is so complicated
Sunday,November 08

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yesturday woke up at lke 8.30am wif zac then do lotta stuffs.
He teach me sweet child o mine intro bass parts.then play together
sounds sweet.After that we watch stuff like Tony Jaa and Jackie Chan.
Then watch his maid cook and took a few nuggets.Then Thaddeus come in
and we watch him play private server maple.That version ROCKS man!
Exp times 10 kill like every 3 monsters sure get something de.
Thad wanted 260m to scroll a brown work gloves.Next time get
the tumbdrive from and own fucking maple!.As for now
trying out blackshot which kinda lags and the enemy
anyhow shoot also can 1 htt ko me but i cant do the same to them
what gay is that!My mum promised to get me the electric guitar
before my birthday(24 dec) so yeah woots!!!!Now so boring nothing to do
feel like chilling out but its 10.15PM so i guess stay at home
and watch some gay tv untill my eyes pop out of their goddamn sockets.
I wish there was no feeling called love.....

I wish my life was restored
sorry could not post yesturday too goddamn tired

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Todae went with Geryvn,Nicole and Ronna(Geryvn invite de i dont know them) to watch
This Is It.The movie dun feel like movie feel like documentary and also no moonwalk in the movie =(.After that went home and then my stupid mum tell me i cant pierce my lip.
Went to hospital found out that my Grandpa has cancer...
On the way home,i bought a hair dye which i thought was temporary and now
i have to wear this blonde hair unless i cut bald(never!) or dye back black.
The package very cute sia,inside got instruction,bleach,dye powder and some weird shit.
I mix together and put the comb and juz comb it all over my hair and leave for 30 mins.
After that i go to the bathroom and rinse then use conditioner.
the thing so strong cost only $9.50 and now i look like a japanese~!!!
All my hair golden-yellow and i have to say i it looks btter than black
but the color so aggresive and i look like some other country dude.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Celine if ur reading this,then please can we shake hands and
get that fucking small incidence which led
to this fucking terrible probelm to a peaceful end.
Its all a fucking misunderstanding and i know ur stressed
becoz of the u know what thing.So lets get this thing
which has been dragging at my heart settle with.