Sunday, December 27, 2009

lazy =P

been lazy to type =P.kinda tired and the tupid keyboard
fucked up again =o.bought my ltd electric guitar
5 day ago and i been practiing......

unday,december 27,2009
hen thi hitty keyboard gonna get replaced?

Friday, December 18, 2009


WatS UP dawgs!Todae woke up at 5.30 am went to the freaking airport.
The airplane take off fucking amazing can feel some weightlessness!
Now at the beach found one lan shop.They charge one baht per minute O.O.
Found some fried grasshoppers in one shop at the beach.
Taste fucking weird and well disgusting.My dad ate the whole bloody packet.
I MEAN WTF@!!!I think i saw some prostitute along the way and some
males who had sex switch-overs ( im not kidding).

Okay signing off,Adieu!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


God i keep thinking about her 24/7!~
In the toilet,in the bus,cycling wif zac and thad,eating....
WTF my mind's gonna explode if i think about her
another freaking minute.
Details about the cycling trip.
Woke up first at 3 am got our gear ready.
Strap on helmet and glove and went to basement.
Got his dad's bike =.= and ride out of the condo.
Cycle on the road to west mall then randomly everywhere
for like 1 and half hours?
Then cycle to zhenghua park at the end go and rest.
Suddenly got 4 malay boys ride then say
woohoo misson accomplished.
I mean like WTF u call that mission accomplished??
We rode for 5 hours then go into a jungle then had picnic
had a very large field inside the jungle and watch the
sun rise.Lots of eagles and birds and lots of stupid insects =(.
Leaving for thailand in 2 days cant fucking wait like hell.
These days pretty boring no one to go out wif and do shit!

Love fills the mind
Wednesday,December 16

Monday, December 14, 2009


Today feel very sienz nothing to do =(
Liverpool lose 2-1 to ARSEnal somemore
Dunno why they play like headless roaches in the 2nd half leh.
Bloody own goal and that stupid Lucas is a passing noob.
Went to the bb court then got three stupid pia kia challenge.
Then i pair up with two nerdy boys and play against 3 tall pia kia =.=.
Kanina!!My team they all go solo nvr pass,somemore keep shooting from
point with the occassional lay-up.Stupid ppl dun pass in the end lose lor.
One good thing is im going to zach house spend the night.
then 3 am wake up and with his bro and him go ride throught zhenghua park.
Last time zac when there he said got demons and saw malay boys
sitting on the floor playing with ouija boards.
Then his bro bike fail then his bike fail
i have to mention that their bikes cost 1k a piece.
And i nvr seen Zac bike fail befor...
Then zac saw one black shadow go behind the rubbish bin
then dissapear O.o.

Im sure gonna get one heckuva ride man WOOT
Monday,December 14

Friday, December 11, 2009


Woke up feeling like a zombie...
Then i went to the market opposite,i moved house to marsiling in case u dun know.
Dint know thr was a shop selling so much ramen dishes XD
At nite go to Tanah Merah to get my Levi Strauss jacket and Lost Prophets Tee
that i brought .The journey so fu*king long lor.Wtf aunties hogging the seats somemore
I come home my legs so tired thanks to those dumb aunties that carry nothing.
Tomorrow gonna try the basketball court near my new house.
Dunno why holidays go boring but at least gonna go to thailand on the 18th.

Missing you
Saturday,December 12

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Yo wasup guys.Just bought the COD:Modern warfare 2.
Its fu**in fantastic and the multi-player just blows my balls off!
LoL horny review of the MW2.Aniwaes finished single player
and damn its so good i cant believe the quality of the graphics.
Just went cycling with Zac in a jungle trail which is supposed to be haunted.
Along the way saw monitor lizzard and some lao ap peks jogging.
Halfway,Zac fell down and his wrist got sprained or sumting.
Nid some guys at woodlands or marsiling to cycle,i dun want
to go zac house so far....
Tmr going to another war again at admiralty park...
Haizz these days i so lonely i go ride myself and go emo.
Looking for some malays which have their bikes modified
so can ask them wat shop.