Monday, December 14, 2009


Today feel very sienz nothing to do =(
Liverpool lose 2-1 to ARSEnal somemore
Dunno why they play like headless roaches in the 2nd half leh.
Bloody own goal and that stupid Lucas is a passing noob.
Went to the bb court then got three stupid pia kia challenge.
Then i pair up with two nerdy boys and play against 3 tall pia kia =.=.
Kanina!!My team they all go solo nvr pass,somemore keep shooting from
point with the occassional lay-up.Stupid ppl dun pass in the end lose lor.
One good thing is im going to zach house spend the night.
then 3 am wake up and with his bro and him go ride throught zhenghua park.
Last time zac when there he said got demons and saw malay boys
sitting on the floor playing with ouija boards.
Then his bro bike fail then his bike fail
i have to mention that their bikes cost 1k a piece.
And i nvr seen Zac bike fail befor...
Then zac saw one black shadow go behind the rubbish bin
then dissapear O.o.

Im sure gonna get one heckuva ride man WOOT
Monday,December 14

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