Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Yo wasup guys.Just bought the COD:Modern warfare 2.
Its fu**in fantastic and the multi-player just blows my balls off!
LoL horny review of the MW2.Aniwaes finished single player
and damn its so good i cant believe the quality of the graphics.
Just went cycling with Zac in a jungle trail which is supposed to be haunted.
Along the way saw monitor lizzard and some lao ap peks jogging.
Halfway,Zac fell down and his wrist got sprained or sumting.
Nid some guys at woodlands or marsiling to cycle,i dun want
to go zac house so far....
Tmr going to another war again at admiralty park...
Haizz these days i so lonely i go ride myself and go emo.
Looking for some malays which have their bikes modified
so can ask them wat shop.

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