Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fuck u all

My 'avoid the girls' plan
has started to work perfectly
with the exeption of Ju**
who kicked my ass during chinese exam results.
Mrs Yip select me to be SC which means i have to
scold at people and have to act like an asshole all the time.
On the other side,it means i CAN scold people and
have a shiny badge lol.Ah well at least i passed to
Sec 2 express.Avoiding the girls seem to have made my life
less complicated and less emoish,although i do miss their company.
Last night choke on bubbletea which watching
Gaki no tsukai(no laughing in hospital).
I gagged and after a long while vomited into the basin =.=
lastly theres this fucker who keeps spamming my chatboard
and i think hes a really cowardly pimp who works for the likes of
mrs yip and mr keh.

Saturday,October 24,2009

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