Sunday, December 27, 2009

lazy =P

been lazy to type =P.kinda tired and the tupid keyboard
fucked up again =o.bought my ltd electric guitar
5 day ago and i been practiing......

unday,december 27,2009
hen thi hitty keyboard gonna get replaced?

Friday, December 18, 2009


WatS UP dawgs!Todae woke up at 5.30 am went to the freaking airport.
The airplane take off fucking amazing can feel some weightlessness!
Now at the beach found one lan shop.They charge one baht per minute O.O.
Found some fried grasshoppers in one shop at the beach.
Taste fucking weird and well disgusting.My dad ate the whole bloody packet.
I MEAN WTF@!!!I think i saw some prostitute along the way and some
males who had sex switch-overs ( im not kidding).

Okay signing off,Adieu!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


God i keep thinking about her 24/7!~
In the toilet,in the bus,cycling wif zac and thad,eating....
WTF my mind's gonna explode if i think about her
another freaking minute.
Details about the cycling trip.
Woke up first at 3 am got our gear ready.
Strap on helmet and glove and went to basement.
Got his dad's bike =.= and ride out of the condo.
Cycle on the road to west mall then randomly everywhere
for like 1 and half hours?
Then cycle to zhenghua park at the end go and rest.
Suddenly got 4 malay boys ride then say
woohoo misson accomplished.
I mean like WTF u call that mission accomplished??
We rode for 5 hours then go into a jungle then had picnic
had a very large field inside the jungle and watch the
sun rise.Lots of eagles and birds and lots of stupid insects =(.
Leaving for thailand in 2 days cant fucking wait like hell.
These days pretty boring no one to go out wif and do shit!

Love fills the mind
Wednesday,December 16

Monday, December 14, 2009


Today feel very sienz nothing to do =(
Liverpool lose 2-1 to ARSEnal somemore
Dunno why they play like headless roaches in the 2nd half leh.
Bloody own goal and that stupid Lucas is a passing noob.
Went to the bb court then got three stupid pia kia challenge.
Then i pair up with two nerdy boys and play against 3 tall pia kia =.=.
Kanina!!My team they all go solo nvr pass,somemore keep shooting from
point with the occassional lay-up.Stupid ppl dun pass in the end lose lor.
One good thing is im going to zach house spend the night.
then 3 am wake up and with his bro and him go ride throught zhenghua park.
Last time zac when there he said got demons and saw malay boys
sitting on the floor playing with ouija boards.
Then his bro bike fail then his bike fail
i have to mention that their bikes cost 1k a piece.
And i nvr seen Zac bike fail befor...
Then zac saw one black shadow go behind the rubbish bin
then dissapear O.o.

Im sure gonna get one heckuva ride man WOOT
Monday,December 14

Friday, December 11, 2009


Woke up feeling like a zombie...
Then i went to the market opposite,i moved house to marsiling in case u dun know.
Dint know thr was a shop selling so much ramen dishes XD
At nite go to Tanah Merah to get my Levi Strauss jacket and Lost Prophets Tee
that i brought .The journey so fu*king long lor.Wtf aunties hogging the seats somemore
I come home my legs so tired thanks to those dumb aunties that carry nothing.
Tomorrow gonna try the basketball court near my new house.
Dunno why holidays go boring but at least gonna go to thailand on the 18th.

Missing you
Saturday,December 12

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Yo wasup guys.Just bought the COD:Modern warfare 2.
Its fu**in fantastic and the multi-player just blows my balls off!
LoL horny review of the MW2.Aniwaes finished single player
and damn its so good i cant believe the quality of the graphics.
Just went cycling with Zac in a jungle trail which is supposed to be haunted.
Along the way saw monitor lizzard and some lao ap peks jogging.
Halfway,Zac fell down and his wrist got sprained or sumting.
Nid some guys at woodlands or marsiling to cycle,i dun want
to go zac house so far....
Tmr going to another war again at admiralty park...
Haizz these days i so lonely i go ride myself and go emo.
Looking for some malays which have their bikes modified
so can ask them wat shop.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


YoOO!!!~~~~so long nvr post coz i very tired and lazy.Also not much to post also.
Yesturday went to another war at science center.Play play then someone 'shot' a
stupid american's baby.Never shoot at her but near the pram only the father come.
We said sorry but he keep saying 'please' like wtf is he talking about.We all label
him as a redneck and leave him be lol.For the whole day we mimic him saying
WHO SHOT MY BABY???!!~~~lols.After war finish we stay at the science center for a while.
Then fish go take out his $160 yoyo and play...i nvr brring mine he lent me his.
then got one guy professional come talk to us then go show his tricks and stuff.
Thats all for yesturday lol =( the next few days gonna be so boring


Monday,NOVEMBER 30

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teh guy dodging is me doing MJ style.Really effective

Bored like siao

haizzzz...Everyday spent at home rotting my ass out.
Later going to army beach road buy gloves with derrick.
Sunday went to the war got one guy take pic of me
dodging bullets.....Special tribute to MJ army style lols.
Then got the acs demo they took vid never take of me
shooting zinv down =(.I lent celine bloody potter and hallows,she lend me
Forget(which is a love book thingy).Read about 3/4 now and
i have to say pretty touching and i cant imagine
how fucked up both parents are...

Wish u were here.
Wednesday,november 18

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Todae was a blast!i met with chen dao and we took the mrt
like so friggin long to bishan then change to serangoon then to sengkang then
to a place called Farmway LRT.We met the rest of the peeps who were
gonna play wif us war.I waited untill 2.30 for the master modder hanzo.
He call his discipline and mod my air restrictor and the finished gun
was oh-my-god awesome.Shoot so far and better accurancy.Then we have war.
We played capture the flag.We go put a flag on top of a hill then we split into two teams.
Both teams have to take the flag and run to their base(where they started).Lols!damn fun.
Then a different version was played and i shot two guys(one headshot) and i was the only man
standing.I took the flag and shouted:WOOT!!!Only man surviving!!!!Then go home with
Roland and reached at 9.30pm...Parents scold i ask them diam and i go shower.Tmr
still go swimming with Amos and edmund at 7.30am =.=.

Sunday,November 15

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I bought a Recon CS-6 from NERF and zac and i tested it out by shooting each
other's asses.Its not that powerful with a range of only 30 feet
but im gonna get it modified by NerfSG's Hanzo whom i met
at the forum.He charged me only $20 and im going to have it done by Saturday
coz i nid to go Anglo-Chinese School do a demo with the rest
of the forum members.The weird thing is the students from ACS asked
us to go there and do a demo!?!?!?I spray-painted the gun total black
and it looks heavy duty now.Selling my guitar to buy a set
of special darts and still nidda pay for the modification
and i also want next year's LongShot.Guess i gotta save up first,
but at least i can look forward to a game later in the afternoon.

Wednesday,November 11

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cant be moved......

Todae found me at home the whole day at the com.I dint go out
coz i was too lazy to drag my legs to go out the door.
So chat the whole day and helping that edmund with his maplestory woes =.=.For the whole day listened to The man who cant be moved and break even,both by The Script.
Downloading gunz now as a replacement for private server maplestory....
Going to macdonald later....3rd time this month going after 11pm.

Wondering why love is so complicated
Sunday,November 08

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yesturday woke up at lke 8.30am wif zac then do lotta stuffs.
He teach me sweet child o mine intro bass parts.then play together
sounds sweet.After that we watch stuff like Tony Jaa and Jackie Chan.
Then watch his maid cook and took a few nuggets.Then Thaddeus come in
and we watch him play private server maple.That version ROCKS man!
Exp times 10 kill like every 3 monsters sure get something de.
Thad wanted 260m to scroll a brown work gloves.Next time get
the tumbdrive from and own fucking maple!.As for now
trying out blackshot which kinda lags and the enemy
anyhow shoot also can 1 htt ko me but i cant do the same to them
what gay is that!My mum promised to get me the electric guitar
before my birthday(24 dec) so yeah woots!!!!Now so boring nothing to do
feel like chilling out but its 10.15PM so i guess stay at home
and watch some gay tv untill my eyes pop out of their goddamn sockets.
I wish there was no feeling called love.....

I wish my life was restored
sorry could not post yesturday too goddamn tired

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Todae went with Geryvn,Nicole and Ronna(Geryvn invite de i dont know them) to watch
This Is It.The movie dun feel like movie feel like documentary and also no moonwalk in the movie =(.After that went home and then my stupid mum tell me i cant pierce my lip.
Went to hospital found out that my Grandpa has cancer...
On the way home,i bought a hair dye which i thought was temporary and now
i have to wear this blonde hair unless i cut bald(never!) or dye back black.
The package very cute sia,inside got instruction,bleach,dye powder and some weird shit.
I mix together and put the comb and juz comb it all over my hair and leave for 30 mins.
After that i go to the bathroom and rinse then use conditioner.
the thing so strong cost only $9.50 and now i look like a japanese~!!!
All my hair golden-yellow and i have to say i it looks btter than black
but the color so aggresive and i look like some other country dude.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Celine if ur reading this,then please can we shake hands and
get that fucking small incidence which led
to this fucking terrible probelm to a peaceful end.
Its all a fucking misunderstanding and i know ur stressed
becoz of the u know what thing.So lets get this thing
which has been dragging at my heart settle with.

Friday, October 30, 2009


write this shit which we must read out to our parents
tmr.=.=.die liao.I wrote about my cigarette case and also
how i worked hard to get promoted to next year express. so gonna die tmr.I still cant wonder why
Mrs Loo keep wearing those pants which make her
butt look horrendously big and no shape at all.
I wonder if she is really a woman or some kind
of lab test.NO FASHION AT ALL MAN.

Friday.October 30

Thursday, October 29, 2009


The title says it all.Im making comeback from the emonessin my heart.
So..i found my father old ABBA Gold edition cd.
Sound pretty good specially like the song 'voulez vous'
Played ps3 need for speed until 1am .
That freaking ryo watanabe so hard to defeat
so turned off and slept.Todae got this SC thing
a lot of teachers treat us like trash.Fuck them mum
homo.After school went to Zach's house play soccer
with prince luke herdy darron and robird.Todae science lesson
sit with farhanah then make me realise that not all girls
are bad.lolx i sound like a bloody retard.Whats up with that Amos.
Follow in my footsteps suddenly like someone.He most likely confessing
to her tommorow.Because the girl is someone i actually like
i feel a bit of badness =.=.Anyway i try to help him confess.
Tomorrow trying out soccer cca cause darron say got lack of goalkeepers.
I cant wait to get out of judo man.....
Thursday,Oct 29

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fuck u all

My 'avoid the girls' plan
has started to work perfectly
with the exeption of Ju**
who kicked my ass during chinese exam results.
Mrs Yip select me to be SC which means i have to
scold at people and have to act like an asshole all the time.
On the other side,it means i CAN scold people and
have a shiny badge lol.Ah well at least i passed to
Sec 2 express.Avoiding the girls seem to have made my life
less complicated and less emoish,although i do miss their company.
Last night choke on bubbletea which watching
Gaki no tsukai(no laughing in hospital).
I gagged and after a long while vomited into the basin =.=
lastly theres this fucker who keeps spamming my chatboard
and i think hes a really cowardly pimp who works for the likes of
mrs yip and mr keh.

Saturday,October 24,2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nuthing to do

Thursday,October 15
Todae go beach cleaning which was great except that it was during a holiday.
Got on bus with Zaccheus and since we both emo(the love type)
I played Right here witing for you,we ju closed our eyes and relax.
after i got home i chatted and june helped me with my blog.
I ws searching for love songs when a fren told me of a song
Then i remember one love song i liked
Just So You Know by Jesse Mccartney. gonna download it nd do noting.
damn bored right now i juZ wished i could go out with someone right now.
Keybord crppy cnt type 4 letters s u cn see here.
So i use cut and paste which was freaking slow.

Yeah all for today.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Exams OVER~!

Wednesday,October 14.
Woot exams over,went back to take the book for
some teacher who i dun like.Zac follow me back and
go to BPP then give book to teacher.We go his home and play
futsal.Play until rain come and my shirt drenched like some
motha fcker.Play halfway then see AES people and old uncle and his son.
We all play together and RAM!Now my feet full of blisters,splinters and very sore..
Tomorrow hafta bring firstaid kit for beach clean-up,very sienz wor..
(i dun give full vulgarities coz i know later u peeps'parents wanna read
or some crap liek that.

Gotta bath and kick some ass.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tired and Angry

Tuesday,October 13
Today play soccer at Zac's house,again.
Play fun but not as fun as last time coz
we damn tired after days of consective playing.
I damn pissed off at someone coz i saw him/her
with some other moron.I think i really nid to get
a punching bag to kick the stuffing out and
relieve my anger.i so angry i almost beat anyone who
say something bad to me
Even things as normal as eh tau suan pass me that thing la.
Todae got one guy i almost want to punch to death.
Tomorrow last paper so after that me and zac go FISHING WOOTS.
When i get the fish i will relieve stress by punching the balls out of it(jkjk i not cruel like SOMEONE)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday,October 9,2009

Todae science exam was okay-okay?I might even say easy but later i fail(touch wood) then pai seh.After science Gerv,Zac,Sayyid(we dint even want him to come but he want.),Darron ,Herdy ,Prince and me went to Greg house play soccer.Zaccheus kick the ball then fall down on the mud,HAHAHAHA.then got blood so he go shower or someshit.Then herdy tackle gervyn then gervyn also fall down got more blood.Den i kick the ball stuck on the roof of some building,almost climbed the ladder that was there but they say i shuld nat go.After that zac and sayyid went home.The rest play catching,then my turn to fall down.Mine with the most bloodiest injury =(.On the way back saw luke and his sis.Luke tell me dun flim when hunting for ghosts as i hunting ghosts with zac after exams.So kinda creepy and freaked.Hope to get a pochong.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Sunday,October 4,2009

Din't post yesturday coz i at malaysia attend wedding.I changed my spectacles and bought a guitar strap.I scared that wei jie incident go into my police record and i nidda pay $500 fine.Stupid singlet homo.ITS JUZ A FUCKING SINGLET!!!Right now downloading songs and waiting for the liverpool vs chelsea match to start.Downright boring now,the night before dreamed of rina(i dunno why but i forgot wat it was).Yeahhh so not looking foward to another school day tomorrow,have to endure mrs yip(yip is actually another word for bark i think,so she is a dog.)freaking horrible nagging and have to look at her disgusting figure and creepy cavewoman eyes.Now i know why june hates her so friggin much.
All i remember from today.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Thursday,October 1st 2009
Todae was very fucked up.That Wei Jie complain say Zaccheus call him singlet man.i mean WTF????.People call me tau suan and i juz laugh(coz its funny?)This ass feel inuslted coz of his singlet.Anyways i got roped in and i finished a fucking reflection and had to apologise to Wei Jie.I feel like a freaking dog.A dog with an intent to kill mrs yip.Oh ya todae mrs yip look lyk some weird dog or sumthing.That dumb glasses and stupid shirt.But mrs loo more worse obviously.Think she buy from pasar malam and never wash before de.After school took 178 to kranji buy bubbletera and donut.Mrt no money so go 170.little did i know that 170 at kranji mrt goes to malaysia.So i drag my feet to the officer and she had to take my ic then let me go.fuck that crazy homo.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday,september 28,2009

Todae sibei fun lor.after that retarded e-learning,i go zaccheus house and play soccer.After that gregory got blisters do painful.Anyway,i so happy coz liverpool won 6-1.woots~!lol.gotta go and work out keyboard still fucking gay.E-learning sucks!Miss all the classmates(except a few)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


todae mrs yip make us stay back and clean up the classroom again...very sienz and kept us waiting for lyk 20 mins.freaking homo sia.My classical guitar one string broken liao NOOO.Celine nvr come todae june ask e to xcall her coz i her kor kor =.=.tosdaew i alsdo gavew rina hwer birthsday present(sort of)then i saw one guy talking to her which i think is zan(rina's boyfriend i think)lol so sienz....Feeling so emo le!!!!fucking sis crying i feel lyk punching her till she die,act cry also dunno how to act stupid pimp.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Now making proper blog le.Todae damn sienz tuition 2 hours make my brain fry lyk shrimps..Now listening to japenese songs and playing maple.Nice combo.Cant wait for tomorrow,hafta show amos another version of smoke one the water.Classical guitar i lent him dunno wat condition le,maybe he go smash his sis wif it.Ah well back to playing maple.Havent done a single page of homework later muz chiong and do.BOOMZ lol